Growing older can hard. Living in a home that doesn’t suit your needs makes it even harder. Leaving a home you love simply because you cannot get around well or because you need special accommodations is the hardest decision to make. Luckily there are many new home trends that can help you stay where you want to be, and some of them are really affordable.
Creating a First-Floor Master Bedroom
Having your bedroom on the first floor of your home helps more people stay at home because it eliminates the danger (and pain) of climbing up stairs. Being on the first floor usually puts everything within reach and allows you to freely and safely access things like the kitchen and laundry rooms. Creating a master bedroom with a full bathroom attached makes it possible for you to live entirely downstairs and allow others (children, grandchildren, and visitors) to occupy upstairs.
Creating a first-floor master does not have to be a major construction job nor does it require adding on to your home. If you have an office or a garage or dining room that you can close off by adding a few walls or closing a doorway, then all you would need to do is add a closet and a bathroom with a shower nearby.
Using Anti-Microbial Finishes and Materials
If you or a loved one is struggling with a disease that cripples the immune system, or if you just want to avoid getting sick, you can refinish the surfaces in your home with antimicrobial finishes and materials. There are antimicrobial paints, copper fixtures, and flooring available to the public. Using easy to clean materials like quartz and cork flooring are good ways to cut back on bacteria and mold build up as well.
Add a Ramp
If getting into your home has become more difficult because there are stairs up to the door, consider putting in a ramp. They are relatively low cost and easy to build. They are also easily removed if you decide to put the home up for sale.
Remove the Step into the Shower
Having a shower that is flush with the bathroom floor is imperative as we grow older. Having to step over a tub side or even over a small separating ledge can be very dangerous and has frequently led to falls and serious injury. Removing the step up is an easy undertaking that can be done rather quickly.
Install Smart Home Devices (with caution)
Having a smart thermostat or lighting helps eliminate discomfort if you forget to set the temperature or turn down/off the lights. You can set these devices on timers or fix them using remotes. There are many devices you can purchase and have easily installed. Some you can even install yourself. Be wary of off brand devices though as they may not have the same protections against hackers as brand names.
How To Pay for the Changes
Remodeling your home to suit your new needs can be very costly, but there may be help. Some modifications may be covered by health insurance. You can check with your local Area on Aging or state Housing Finance Agency to learn more about financial assistance for aging in place design.
Aging in place provides a high-quality of life and makes the golden years of life more enjoyable for everyone. Staying in your home is getting more and more possible everyday with all of the new inventions and gadgets being made available to public. If you are looking for more ideas to help make your home work for the long run, ask your doctor if they recommend any specific accommodations.

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